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Our Impact

Our Impact in 2022 …

Labor Hours Worked
PTO Hours Paid
Average Wage
$ 0
Total Contracts
Wages Paid to UpSpire staff (not including admin)
$ 0 million
Total Jobs Available

Our people make a difference. Our work speaks for itself.

Results from our work show direct benefits to the community in which we serve.

UpSpire employees moved out of homelessness since 2016
0 +
For every $1.00 a social enterprise like UpSpire spends, $2.23 in benefits is returned to society. $1.31 of that is direct savings to taxpayers.
$ 0
of employees hired by social enterprises had jobs one year later vs. 37% who had only received job support services.
0 %
Those employed by social enterprises experienced a 268% increase in income and a drop in income from government benefits from 71% to 24%.
0 %
Housing stability tripled for those employed by social enterprises. 67% were still working six months later.
0 x

What is a Social Enterprise?

Social enterprises are mission-driven businesses that directly impact hard-to-employ individuals by providing job training and employment opportunities. The social mission is equally as important as generating a profit.
Non-Profit, Social Enterprise, For-Profit | UpSpire

Social Impact:

of employees will have barriers to employment when hired
0 %
of employees will move into their own housing after 4 months of employment
0 %
of profits will provide operating support for the Presbyterian Night Shelter
0 %
Since our founding in 2016, more than 250 of our employees have moved out of homelessness during their tenure. In addition, we saw our average wage over the last three years increase from $10.87 in 2020, to $12.73 in 2021, to $14.20 in 2021.
Using our 2021 wages, UpSpire returned $5 million in benefits to society, $2.96 million of which is direct savings to taxpayers.

When we put UpSpire employees on a job, expect big results.

Let’s talk about how we can go to work for you.